8 November 2012


You may have so many things which are yours. Your books, clothes, toys, etc. And most important of all is your home. It belongs to you forever. But do you belong to anybody or anything? You will immediately say, yes. I belong to my parents, siblings, and friends and so on. And yes you also belong to your country; to India.
          Since childhood everyone tells you this and you accept it without even thinking over it. We Indians, usually take such things for granted. We feel at home in our own country. But this feeling has come to us a gift and we accept this fact blindly without even knowing the importance of it. We fail to realise that the fight for independence brought out the best and noblest qualities of mankind. We fail to realise that it attracted men and women who believed that no price was too big to pay for freedom. We fail to realise that we fought without hatred and bloodshed and the only weapon we used were courage and determination to see India free.
          Today as a citizen of free India we celebrate the 66th year of The Indian Independence by not paying respect to our mother land. While the national anthem is played we walk around chit chatting with our friends, we find our national tricolour fallen on the ground and yet we don’t even make an attempt to pick it up.
          We do not cherish the democracy or the secularism our country has offered. All we talk about is how corrupted the society is, how unclean is our nation, how crowded we are.
          No system of government is perfect; you got to make it perfect. The freedom which we have got is not a gift but is an achievement. An achievement of our ancestors. It needs to be safeguarded. There is no guarantee that tomorrow also we may remain free. The threat to freedom not always comes from outside, more often it comes from within. Freedom needs guardians. Today we are its guardians, tomorrow our children. Every generation needs to do its job well so that you can pass on the torch of freedom to those coming after you. 

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