8 November 2012

Newspapers Dumbing Down The News. They’re Digging Their Own Graves

Adam Joy a reporter from London said that- This is getting seriously out of hand: newspapers are filling their pages with celebrity gossip and endless articles about programmes on the box, pretending that this constitutes news.

Joy even mentioned that when newspapers start covering trashy TV shows, competitions and sit-coms on the box, in all their inglorious detail, it means that they’ve gotten so lazy and incompetent that they don’t even bother to send their reporters out in search of proper stories. Yes, truly no one needs this sort of coverage. It’s only suitable for people who wouldn’t be able to distinguish what news is.

Adam believes that there are these certain kinds of columnists who pick up the stories from their own newspapers and give readers their take on them. Who needs so many columnists anyway? Most of them are hopeless and peddle their nasty agendas. They just sit at home and throw their opinions at us. What do they actually know about politics, economics, art or life generally? It’s a just a cosy arrangement for scribblers.
With that sort of attitude no wonder serious events in the world get coverage worthy of school newspapers. Look at the events in the Middle East and Africa. The things that appears in so-called ‘serious papers’ resembles some make belief drivel. No one can even explain what’s going on and just bang about democracy and people power and freedom and that other entire thing that has nothing to do with what is actually taking place.

Intervention in Libya, the coverage of it is a disgrace in the Western press. Biased. That’s what happens when dumb down the information flow. They lose a sense of reality, not to mention that they can no longer write properly.

Newspapers owners and editors complain that their readership numbers are falling, supposedly undercut by the web. But the main reason is not that. It’s because newspapers are digging their own graves, providing news that isn’t really news. And if it doesn’t stop, they’ll simply disappear. 

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