8 November 2012

PISA- An Eye Opener...

PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) is an international study that was launched by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) in 1997. It aims to evaluate education systems worldwide every 3 years by assessing 15 year old students in the key subjects of science, mathematics and reading.

The PISA results were recently out and it was shocking to see India landing on the 2nd last position among 73 countries that participated. However, it wasn’t shocking to those whose children go to the Indian schools. It was told that the results are not a reflection of Indian’s poor state of schooling. Instead the failure has been certified to a cultural disconnect between the questions and Indian students.

This shows the quality of education that is provided to the students in India. Schools are strictly controlled in such a way that the students score high marks in examinations. In fact they study for only exams and not to develop themselves, to think or to analyse. The fact is that the quality and quantity of education in India is pathetic. Never ever is there any focus on practical learning. Whereas, science is all about learning theories, with there being no facility to visit science centres to see the theories work in practise. Not only this but the evaluation of marks for certain subjects and the quantity of syllabus included for certain marks are not proportional.

This incident should be considered as an eye opener. Our Indian Constitution talks of the fundamental Right of Education to every Indian. The government should look into improvising the educational standards. If merely being able to write one’s own name makes one literate, then that’s not going to be enough in this rising world. 

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